Sunday, October 7, 2012

Born in 1145, I am a poet and perfumer from Nishapur. I have greatly influenced Persian poetry. I have written 114 pieces, but about only 30 can be found. I wrote about ego, intellect, thirst for detachment, thirst for unity, thirst for knowledge, and imagination. I am widely respected by the king. I am considered a sage or wise man, and the king comes to me for advising. The once asked me and the others to make a ring that make a happy man sad and a sad man happy. We created one inscribed "this too shall pass." Because I would like to keep my private life private I would rather express my opinions through my poetry.

So long as we do not die to ourselves,
and so long as we identify with someone or something,
we shall never be free.
The spiritual way is not for those wrapped up in exterior life.

Strive to discover the mystery before life is taken from you.
If while living you fail to find yourself, to know yourself,
how will you be able to understand
the secret of your existence when you die?

Ancient Greece - Classical Era pg.147-150, 205-208 and Wikipedia

Geography - The center of took shape on a small peninsula of south-eastern Europe, deeply divided by steep mountains and valleys, but settlers spread civilizations along the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Sea.                            
Religion, Beliefs, Values - Greek intellectually abandon mythology, to prove that the world was a physical reality governed by natural laws, and to show that humans are both able to understand these laws and work out systems of morals and ethical life.
Arts - Greece well known for their art. Architecture, such as the Parthenon. They also created sculptures as well as pottery depicting different actions. Literature was another form of art being practiced at this time.
Social Developments - Women were not citizens. They had no rights in politics and government. The Greece also had slaves that had no rights.
Politics - Had city-states, which had persisting rivalries. The Athenian government was a democracy. Greece is known as the birthplace of democracy. This democracy was not as was we know it today because of the way women and slaves were treated.
Economics - They began using coins to buy things. They did a lot of importing and exporting.
Demography - The population was just 2 to 3 million people. Modest size city-states, had 500 to 5000 male citizens. The larger city-states were Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth.
Intellectual Development - Greece well known for its many philosophers. Socrates engaged others in conversation about the good life and radical ideas. He was sentenced to death. Thales predicted ac eclipse of the sun and argued that the moon simply reflected the suns light. Democritus suggested that atoms collided to form visible matter. Pythagoras believe that beneath chaos and complexity, was an unchanged mathematical order.
Technology - Many forms of technology were used to build Ancient Greece such as pluming for baths and fountains, further development of gears, and the crane for construction.